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Thé du Hammam granita with raspberries

4 glasses Alcohol-free
  • easy
  • 10min
  • 30min
Granité de Thé du Hammam aux framboises


  • 8g (or 1 extra-large tea bag) Hammam Tea
  • ½ litre water
  • 1 table spoon runny honey
  • Juice of ½ lemon
  • A few raspberries


  • Infuse the Hammam Tea in the water at room temperature for 30 minutes.
  • Remove the infused leaves.
  • Pour the tea into an ice cube tray and place in the freezer.
  • When the ice cubes are ready, crush them, then mix with a few raspberries, the runny honey and the lemon juice.
  • Serve.

Serving suggestion

Serve chilled with ice cubes and lemon slices. Simple and very refreshing!
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