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Cod fillet poached in a bouillon of Thé des Lords
Serves 4
- easy
- 30min
- 20min

- 4 cod fillets, approx. 100 g each
- 1 large turnip
- 1/4 cucumber
- 50 g samphire
- 1 Chinese cabbage
- 50 g chestnut mushrooms
- 2 radishes
- 15 g butter
- 100 ml water
- Salt
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 leek
- 100 g carrots
- 50 g shallots
- 1/2 fennel
- 50 ml white wine
- 10 g dried royal kombu
- 1 bergamot (or 1 lemon)
- 50 ml mirin
- 20 ml rice vinegar
- 500 ml water
- 500 ml water
- 4 bags of
1. Preparing the bouillon
- Peel the vegetables and cut into thin strips.
- Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and sauté the vegetables over a low heat without browning.
- Add the white wine.
- Bring to the boil, add the water and bring back to the boil.
- Remove from heat, cover and leave to infuse for 30 minutes with the kombu.
- Add the mirin and rice vinegar.
- Prepare the tea by steeping for 3 minutes at 95 °C.
- Combine the bouillon and steeped tea (2/3 bouillon to 1/3 tea).
- Add the zest and juice of the bergamot.
- Season to taste.
- Slice the radishes very thinly and place them in cold water to keep them crisp.
- Clean the tops of the chestnut mushrooms and steam them with 15 g of butter, 100 ml of water and salt.
- Peel and cut the cucumber and turnip into 7 cm slices.
- Use a fine mandolin to make vegetable spaghetti.
- Prepare the samphire and Chinese cabbage.
- Cook for 30 to 40 seconds in a little olive oil with the chopped vegetables.
2. Cooking the fish
- Heat half the bouillon and add the slices of fish.
- Remove from heat, cover and leave for 5 minutes.
- Place all the vegetables into a deep dish, topped with the poached fish.
- Cover with the bouillon.
- Add the mushrooms and sliced radishes.